Yes, you should call the police if you are involved in a traffic accident in South Carolina. The police will prepare a traffic accident report including contact information on all parties involved in the accident and the police officer’s opinion of how the accident happened.
If you suffered severe injuries in the accident in South Carolina, you should consult with a North Charleston personal injury lawyer to discuss filing a claim for damages. Your North Charleston personal injury lawyer will need the traffic accident report to help determine issues of negligence.
Additionally, according to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), you must provide proof of insurance if your vehicle has been in an accident that caused property damage, injuries or death. The police officer will provide all drivers with the FR-10 insurance verification form, which their insurance companies must complete.
The deadline for returning the FR-10 form to the DMV is 15 days after the accident in South Carolina, and it must be returned whether or not you caused the accident. If you miss the 15-day deadline, you could face suspension of your driver’s license and registration. You will also face suspension if you lack automobile insurance.
After the police officer investigates the accident in South Carolina, he or she will send a traffic accident report to the DMV. To get a copy of the traffic accident report, you will need to complete the FR-50 form and pay a $6 fee.
If your North Charleston personal injury lawyer suggests you move forward with a personal injury claim, you might be able to pursue compensation for current and future medical expenses, damage to your vehicle, pain and suffering and lost earnings.
Seeking the Help of a North Charleston Personal Injury Lawyer
The North Charleston personal injury lawyer team at the Shelly Leeke Law Firm is available to help accident victims cope with the legal implications of a serious injury. Our firm’s focus on personal injury cases includes injury from auto accidents including pedestrian and bicycle injuries, work-related injuries and Workers’ Compensation claims, and injuries resulting from dangerous prescription drugs.
Before you file a South Carolina personal injury claim, request a free copy of our South Carolina injury book. When you’re ready to get started on settling your accident claim, contact a North Charleston personal injury lawyer for a free information packet and consultation – 1-888-690-0211.