All workplaces can contain hazards and dangers that can cause employees to suffer serious bodily injuries or death. Many employees are unaware of the dangers they expose themselves to every day at work.
It only takes a few seconds for a work-related injury to occur that can affect an employee for the remainder of their life. Learning more about workers’ compensation claims can help you determine when it’s time to retain a South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyer.
Retaining a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in South Carolina
You may have suffered serious bodily injuries or developed a severe illness while acting within the course and scope of your employment. You typically need to file a workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible after the date of the injury. If you do file your workers’ compensation claim within the required time period, then you may lose your ability to seek workers’ compensation benefits.
When You Should Work with a South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorney
You may receive conflicting information regarding when you should retain a workers’ compensation lawyer. A good principle to follow is retaining a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as you suffer any type of workplace injury, no matter how minor.
It is also possible that you were diagnosed with an illness while on the job site. If this is the case, you should retain a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as you are diagnosed by a physician.
A workers’ compensation lawyer will provide you with the knowledge, resources, and legal advice you need to protect your legal rights. You may be able to avoid losing your right to appeal a denied workers’ compensation claim. If you pursue your workers’ compensation claim on your own, your employer and the insurance company may delay providing you with workers’ compensation benefits.
Consequences of Not Exercising Your Right to Representation
If you do not retain a workers’ compensation lawyer, you may miss important deadlines or file incorrect documents related to your claim. You have two years from the date of the injury or diagnosis to file a workers’ compensation claim before the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission. Adhering to these deadlines is vital for the administration of your workers’ compensation claim.
Having Access to the Right Legal Advice Is Critical to Your Workers’ Comp Claim
You may experience moments during the workers’ compensation claim process when you do not understand which step to take next. You may feel lost, confused, or angry if your workers’ compensation claim is denied. If you retain an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer, you can avoid delays and problems that can interfere with your receiving workers’ compensation benefits in a timely manner.
The Most Common Reasons to Retain a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in South Carolina
The following are some of the most common reasons individuals should retain a workers’ compensation lawyer in South Carolina:
- Suffering Catastrophic Injuries: Serious bodily injuries may cause individuals to suffer a permanent or temporary disability. Individuals who suffer serious bodily injuries will benefit from retaining a workers’ compensation lawyer. Some examples of these types of injuries include traumatic brain injury, loss of limbs, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and wrongful death.
- Problems with Obtaining Medical Treatment: An employee who suffered serious bodily injuries may not be able to obtain necessary medical treatment due to physical injuries or financial hardship. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get approval from the insurance company for medical procedures necessary for your treatment and recovery.
- Permanent Disability Issues: You may receive permanent disability benefits or temporary disability benefits as part of your workers’ compensation settlement. This typically happens when the job injury claims in clude muscular injuries, severe injuries, torn ligaments, rotator cuffs, respiratory organs, and more. The comp insurance company may dispute your status as an individual who suffers from a permanent or temporary disability; if so, it can benefit you to retain a workers’ compensation lawyer.
- Threats from an Employer: You need to retain a workers’ compensation lawyer immediately if an employer threatens you with job loss or other negative consequences if you file a workers’ compensation claim. Injured workers have a right to fair compensation for a medical condition that they did not cause. A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you enforce your legal rights. and make sure the comp insurer covers your injuries.
- Demands from an Insurance Company: You do not want to give any recorded statements to the compensation insurance carrier regarding the workplace injury you suffered. You need to retain a workers’ compensation lawyer if an insurance claims adjuster attempts to record conversations with you about your workplace injury.
- A Denied Workers’ Compensation Claim: An compensation insurance company may deny claims or comp settlement for reasons that violate state and federal law. Reach out to a knowledgeable workers’ comp lawyer if you need assistance with your workers’ compensation claim in South Carolina.
The Benefits of Retaining a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
It can be difficult to deal with the complexities of the workers’ compensation system in South Carolina. If you have questions about your workers’ compensation claim, job injuries, comp benefits, or a third party claim and you are unsure where to turn, you can retain a workers’ comp lawyer. The following are some of the most common benefits associated with retaining a workers’ compensation lawyer:
- Offering support, guidance, and instruction throughout every stage of the workers’ compensation process
- Assisting you with understanding how to respond to questions from the insurance company regarding your workers’ compensation claim
- Speaking with the insurance company on your behalf and negotiating with insurance claim adjusters while attempting to resolve your case through settlement
- Formulating an effective case strategy that will help you bring the strongest workers’ compensation case possible
- Collecting relevant evidence for your case such as witness statements, job duties, construction site data, pre-existing conditions, expert reports, and medical records
- Providing you with information regarding what you need to do to prevail in your workers’ compensation case
- Working on the legal documents, filings, and appeals that are necessary for the effective administration of your workers’ compensation accident claim
Contact the Shelly Leeke Law Firm, LLC Today to Schedule a Free Consultation
The Shelly Leeke Law Firm, LLC has over a decade of experience representing injured employees in workers’ compensation cases. Our experienced attorneys have the knowledge and skills necessary to help clients enforce their legal rights. Suffering a workplace accident is traumatic, and experiencing the threat of job loss can cause additional anxiety and stress, when you’re already trying to juggle meeting with your medical provider, physical therapy, surgeries, and everything else.
Our comp attorneys understand how difficult it can be to take on every aspect of a workers’ compensation claim alone. Reach out to us today to schedule an initial consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means if you don’t win, you don’t pay! Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys can provide you with exceptional legal representation, and ensure you have peace of mind.