Most people assume that if they have health insurance, it will cover their medical
bills if they are involved in an accident. On the surface, this may be true. The reality however, is that if you are injured in an accident, the health insurance will pay your medical bills and then later attempt to force you to reimburse what they have paid from your personal injury settlement or jury verdict.
For example, one recent client had health insurance through her employer. She was seriously injured in a car wreck, and her health insurance paid over $25,000 of her medical bills. But, the negligent driver only carried the state minimum of $25,000.00 in liability insurance coverage. The client’s health insurance paid the medical bills and then claimed they were entitled to everything from her settlement, which would entitle her to nothing for pain and suffering!
What can you do to avoid this scenario?
The health insurance company may or may not have a valid claim to all or a portion of your accident proceeds, and it is always best to seek the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney.
However, one way to protect yourself from having to face little to no recovery after your medicals are paid is to purchase underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) through your automobile insurance policy. I highly encourage you to purchase underinsured motorist coverage in the minimum amount of $100,000. Really, you will be shocked to find how inexpensive this coverage is. The good news is, if you or a family member is seriously injured and the person who caused the accident has the minimum liability coverage, then you will be protected even if you must repay the health insurance company.
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If you do not know how much insurance you have, I will be happy to tell you the coverage that you have and also make suggestions if you need additional coverage to protect you. Just fax over your cover page of your automobile insurance policy to 297-8497. We do not want you and your family to be financially devastated because you have inadequate automobile insurance coverage.