A new law was passed after 8 years of trying for Steve and Pam Saylor, whose son died in an ATV accident. The law states that any rider 15 or younger driving an ATV must have had training, must wear a helmet, and may not operate an ATV with any passengers. The law also prohibits any child younger than six from operating an ATV.
A few years ago, this law was presented to governor Mark Sanford, only to be vetoed and forgotten. Finally, the Saylor’s dilligent, relentless efforts paid off and the law was recently passed.
The law holds parents reponsible for ensuring their child wears a helmet, is properly trained, and illegalizes any violation of the law.

This would prevent accidents such as the one involving 8-year-old Spencer McGee, of Coward, SC, which occurred when Spencer was a passenger on an ATV. A deer ran out in front of the vehicle, causing the ATV to flip over and throw him off. Spencer McGee was pronounced dead at a Florence hospital shortly after the accident. Chandler’s Law may have saved the lives of both Chandler and Spencer, which is why we are glad that this law is now in effect.
If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in an ATV accident that was not their fault, then you should consider contacting a South Carolina ATV accident attorney at 1-888-690-0211.