Rideshare services are a terrific convenience that improves the lives of many people. However, just like public transportation or taxis, they owe a duty of care to those they transport to various destinations. When their negligence prevents them from delivering on this promise, a Columbia rideshare accident attorney at Shelly Leeke Law Firm will hold them accountable for their actions. Our Columbia personal injury lawyers are ready to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
Common Injuries in Columbia Rideshare Accidents
Being in a rideshare accident opens the possibility of suffering numerous injuries, mild and severe. There is an assumption that rideshare drivers are better at driving than the average person. No tests or accreditations prove that rideshare drivers are exceptional behind the wheel, so there is no reason for people to assume so.
Among the common injuries that a passenger can expect to sustain if they are in the unfortunate circumstance of being in a rideshare accident include the following:
- Head trauma
- Neck injuries
- Cuts
- Bruises
- Internal Bleeding
- Fractures
- Broken Bones
Being fully aware of the risks associated with using rideshare services is essential. Should an accident happen, it is also in the passenger’s best interest to know what to do next.
What to Do After Being in a Rideshare Accident
When a rideshare accident takes place, the victim must act rapidly and with certainty. It might be overwhelming, but follow specific steps to ensure that the liable party is held responsible for their unsafe, negligent actions.
The first step is to call the police so they can arrive at the scene of the accident and document what happened. Often, the police will gather witness testimony, which can be helpful when reviewing the police report as evidence for a rideshare accident lawsuit later on. The victim should also accept medical attention when offered.
Failure to accept medical attention could be used against the victim in a court of law. Furthermore, not having a medical report, bills, receipts, and other useful paperwork will weaken their case.
Take photographs of the crash scene and injuries. Amid the emotional chaos, the victim must not forget to notify the rideshare company of the accident. Going through the proper channel so they are notified of the accident is a crucial step that should not be overlooked.
If all these steps sound like a lot to handle, hiring a Columbia rideshare accident attorney can make for a much smoother process. A rideshare accident lawyer in Columbia can assess the victim’s case, make sure all the necessary steps are taken, and provide honest feedback on the probability of winning. The lawyer can also prove helpful in understanding common carrier laws and rideshare insurance policies.
The Role of Common Carrier Laws & Insurance Policies in Rideshare Accident Cases
Common carriers provide transportation for goods or people from one destination to the next, and they can be private or public. According to South Carolina law, rideshare companies, including Uber and Lyft, are common carriers. Since they fall under this designation, common carrier laws and the insurance policies associated with these rideshare services apply to them.
Common Carrier Laws
In South Carolina, common carrier laws apply to public transportation, taxis, and rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft. Being considered a common carrier means a certain duty of care is owed to the people transported from one location to the next. If the common carrier (i.e., the rideshare service) cannot fulfill this promise because of negligent behavior that causes an accident, they are on the hook for injuries and damages.
Rideshare Insurance Policies
Insurance policies for rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are typically at least one million dollars to cover injuries and damages associated with a rideshare accident. These large commercial insurance policies are meant for this purpose, so victims should notify rideshare companies immediately after an accident occurs.
Hire a rideshare accident attorney in Columbia with decades of experience. The lawyer can highlight common carrier laws, rideshare insurance policies, and how to prove that the rideshare company is liable.
Proving Liability in Rideshare Accidents
Examining the evidence is essential when proving that a rideshare company is liable for an accident. A Columbia rideshare accident lawyer must review all available evidence, so no stone should be left unturned. It is always better to have too much evidence than too little.
Successful cases are held up by the strength of the evidence that supports them. Without a sufficient amount of relevant evidence, the odds are not in favor of the victim. Since South Carolina is an at-fault state, the victim can be partially liable for the accident. To ensure that the injured passenger comes out on the winning end, a Columbia rideshare accident attorney must have evidence to prove negligence.
Seeking Damages in a Columbia Rideshare Accident Case
Getting the police involved at the outset of a rideshare accident is of the utmost importance. It is equally important to receive medical attention. Not only does being treated for your injuries ensure a speedy recovery, but it also demonstrates the injury severity through official documentation. The same concept applies to the police report, which will only be generated if the police are contacted in the first place.
A lawyer cannot seek damages in a rideshare accident case without evidence. It is critically important to have an evidence-focused mindset the entire time, even while trying to rebound from a life-altering disaster like a rideshare accident. The good news is that victims do not have to go it alone. A Columbia rideshare accident lawyer can help the victim every step of the way, including initiating the rideshare company’s reserves process for funds to compensate for injuries and damages.
Contact Shelly Leeke Law Firm for a Columbia Rideshare Accident Attorney
Columbia rideshare accident victims know that Shelly Leeke Law Firm means business when it comes to securing them justice and compensation. They realize our team will offer them the Columbia rideshare accident attorney they need to win for them when it matters most. Contact us today so we can help you with your case.